Anti Diabetic Houseplant

Aloe Vera.

Good for your skin, treating burns and your digestion, right?


But, let's look deeper...

Aloe Vera is an unpublicized and powerful anti diabetic. Studies with over 5,000 people found that a daily tablespoon of aloe vera juice, taken twice a day, reduced blood sugars an average of 43%!

Study participants got an average drop of 44% in their blood triglycerides as a bonus.

I'd call that powerful!

The control group taking placebos during the same six weeks of the study had an average rise of 2.4% in their blood sugars and an average rise in their triglycerides of 8.4%.

How does Aloe Vera do this?

For one, Japanese researchers identified 5 phytosterols in Aloe Vera doing the healing. Other researchers specified that it was two phytosterols, glucomannan and mannose, that accomplished re-opening of the blood vessels.

The glucomannan promotes tighter regulation of blood triglycerides. Preventing the formation of unneeded triglycerides that otherwise would be slowly clogging up the insides of blood vessels with plaque deposits.

Mannose contributes by chewing up the deposits that have already been built up.

A one-two punch against the arterial disease and capillary failure that diabetics are prone to.

On a different front, Aloe Vera has been found to enhance the half-life of vitamins C and E, while increasing their bio-availability for absorption.

Pretty cool for an anti diabetic!

Ready to add to your houseplant selection, now?

I already did.

It is a very handy snack arrangement having a plant or two around the house.(the skin of a leaf has a hint of a bitter taste, but overall it is a non-event taste wise. Bland.)

My body's reaction after crunching on an aloe vera leaf? Refreshing!

Aloe Vera juice is, of course, readily available at any health food store or even in the health food section of any large grocery store.